club Tsarostavnik enjoyed one special occasion, the warm, cordial meeting of
Serbian and German nationalists for the purpose of beginning a brotherly cooperation on the battlefield of
the anti-globalist battle for the preservation of the sovereignty and identity
of European nations.
respected guests, German nationalists from the National Democratic Party of
Germany (NPD. Mr. Udo Voigt and Thorsten Heise with his spouse, were hosted by
Bishop Akakije and a group of Serbian nationalists including Professor Zoran
Buljugich (contributer to Serbian magazine Geopolitika), Marko Dimitrijevich
(member of Srpksa Akcija) and others.
the festive meal (Lenten as it was on a Friday), Bishop Akakije made the first
welcoming toast in which he mentioned the necessity of the cooperation of all
the European nationalists which stand in defense of Christian Europe, along
with the vital importance of a metaphysical, that is, spiritual aspect of the
anti-globalist fight in defense of the sovereignty and identity of the European
nations. That metaphysical aspect is contained in the battle between Light and
darkness, Good and evil, Christ against Satan.
In this context the European nationalists must be warriors of Christ.
Bishop Akakije explained that (stanoviste?) of a nation, that is, a national
person as an organic community is made up of a national body and national soul,
recalling the Christian Romano-Byzantine heritage of the symphony of powers
between the government and the church which has been an integral and
influential part of the state and society, reflected as well in the
double-headed eagle in the coat of arms of both the Byzantine empire and the Serbian
Nemanjich dynasty. From the French Revolution on, however, His Grace continued
his explanation to the German guests, the church was forcibly pushed away from
the state and this tendency led to complete decadence and debauchery of
society, the withering of the national soul and the inevitable end of Christian
civilization and its lofty values without which Europe and her nations will be
finally destroyed by the powers of darkness. At the end, His Grace underlined,
that without God’s help, evil cannot be put off nor beaten, and there can be no
help from God without the church. Unfortunately, the western churches have
fallen away from true Christianity and the European nations cannot rely on
God’s help which can only be found in the true Church, the preserver of grace,
which is personified in Eastern Christianity, Holy Orthodoxy.
guests returned the toast by expressing their gratitude for the hospitality and
their joy at finding those of like mind among Serbs, making new friends and
allies with whom they share the same views about politics, geopolitics,
religion, the occupation of our nations and shared enemies. One of the main
conclusions was that our nations may no longer war between themselves, but
should rather unite against our common enemy, the evil globalist powers.
strains of the Serbian gusla, Serbian epic songs performed by Guslar Dane Basta
enriched the evening of Serbo-Germanic friendship for the respected guests.
evening concluded with offers of an active cooperation between the two groups
which would begin with the visit of a Serbian nationalist delegation to Germany
during which His Grace Bishop Akakije would give a lecture on Orthodoxy for the
German nationalists.
the meal the rest of the evening was spent in informal conversation and
socializing which lasted until the late hours.
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Akakije presented the guests from Germany with special presents, gilt silver
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