среда, 25. март 2020.

Is the Corona Virus (lat. - corona - crown) Actually the Prefigurement of the Crown of the Mashiach?

Official flag of the Mashiach

On March 23, in the name of the Vučić-Brnabić government, Dr. Predrag Kon put pressure on the Serbian church to make a decision that, as they are sources of infection, church services and holy communion will be canceled. He did not say what would happen if they do not do this. Shortly afterwards, it was mentioned that there will be mass forced tests for infection and interment in concentration camps, which the government euphemistically terms collective accommodations.

In other words, in addition to the curfews and the 24 hour lockdown for pensioners, following the example of the Chinese Communist Party, the Vučić-Brnabić government will be employing the state secret police and regular police to follow and investigate the potentially infected, i.e., those of whom it is suspected that they have been in contact with either carriers or sufferers of the virus. The government has announced a WIDENING CIRCLE of investigation which will include the HEALTHY CIVILIAN POPULATION?!

When police break into homes or stop people in the streets, if they find them with even mild symptoms, it will be reason enough for the persons to fall under suspicion, be arrested, and taken into so-called collection centers, while those with more serious conditions  will be placed into hospitals.

We can only imagine what these collective accommodations will be like, where the government will force hundreds or thousands of people (who only coughed or blew their nose) to live together like sardines in enclosed spaces without enough bathrooms, washing machines, etc. In such places we will be in much greater danger of catching a virus.

Obligatory (translate: forced) vaccinations against Corona have also been mentioned.  It is in just these sort of “global emergency” situations that forced vaccinations on all of mankind can be brought about. This is a disturbing threat considering the criminal, openly declared intentions of the main ideologue of global vaccination – Bill Gates.

Of course, no normal person would oppose certain measures to genuinely prevent and control an epidemic of this new Corona virus.  However, the draconian measures which are being announced (and who knows what else they are planning) already verge into an Orwellian scenario of bringing about a totalitarian society the likes of which the world has never seen.

Is this COVID flu really so dangerous?  Or is the World Health Organization and global media to blame for a lot off artificially created panic and hysteria?  These are the same suspects who caused panic about the bird flu, swine flu and SARS.  In these previous cases, however, they did not manage to bring the entire world to a standstill and cause a world-wide recession.  In any case, this hysteria and global madness have a specific background which we would like point out in the following article.

Over the course of the four previous years, 68,000 people in Italy died of seasonal flu. This statistic did not cause the declaration of a deadly epidemic and cause panic of extraordinary dimensions, while a few thousand deaths from corona virus managed to do so. Secondly, NO ONE in Italy has died from the corona virus.  All deaths recorded in connection to the corona virus were cases of people who were seriously ill with several other chronic illnesses. There was a much smaller number of people who were ill with only one chronic illness before getting corona and dying, the average age of which was 79.5 years old.

The Serbian media has been frightening people with the numbers of deaths in Italy, but most people here are not aware that Italy has 60 million residents, as opposed to Serbia which has barely 7 million residents.  In 2018, 278 people died in Serbia daily (according to statistics from the Republic of Serbia) without there being any declaration of an epidemic or emergency status.

Even if this emergency status ends after a few months, during which, we might add, there could be all sorts of abuses to achieve only-God-knows-what ominous goals, we will be left with an economic-agricultural disaster which will cause a much larger global crisis, with perhaps a much higher mortality rate than the corona virus itself.

This is not all, however.  All things considered, the end result of the world crisis caused by COVID will be the fall of everyone on earth into a final, apocalyptic slavery in the hands of the banking elite who will brand us like their God-given property.

If by any chance  we are exaggerating, and if COVID is not a direct introduction to the establishment of a global banking dictatorship, it is still certain that this was a successful experiment in social engineering on the entire world, which will certainly contribute significantly to the realization of the final steps of the global elite’s dark plan. In other words, these could be the last steps in the preparation for the coming of their mashiach.

Now that we have mentioned the mashiach, we could also bring up the fact that in the Israel news on March 21, 2020, the Israeli minister of health Yaakov Litzman declared that their messiah will be coming soon.

In response to the question of what are the chances that Israel be in a deadlock because of the corona epidemic, even at the time of the Judean Passover, Litzman gave an entirely unexpected response:
            “God forbid! We hope and pray that the mashiach will come before this year’s pascha, because the time of our redemption has come. I am sure that the mashiach will come this pascha and save us in the same way that God saved us during our exodus, when we were freed from the Egyptians. The mashiach is coming and he will save us all.”
(Breaking Israel News)

After such a report, we must ask: are these pressures for the suspension of the Holy Liturgy, and finally, the suppression of the celebration of the Christian Pascha, the Holy Resurrection, just a coincidence?  Or perhaps the mashiach is weakened when the Holy Liturgy is served? Perhaps the Jewish pascha of the mashiach cannot come about if a massive, public celebration of the Christian Pascha takes place?

Is it only a coincidence that Vučić attended an AIPAC conference just before the corona virus crisis in Serbia? 

God grant that these are only the fruits of an apocalyptic imagination, spurred by an examination of the difficult situation and reaction to the Orwellian measures which have been announced, which could only remind one of an apocalyptic scenario in which not only our Christian Serbian nation finds itself, but even the entire world.

We put our hope in God’s help and the protection of Our Most Holy Lady!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinful Serbs.
Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

God is with us!

Club Tsarostavnik, Belgrade, March 24, 2020

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